3-D printed facial prosthesis offers new hope for eye cancer patients following surgery

3-D printed facial prosthesis offers new hope for eye cancer patients following surgery ________Dr. Mohan Rangaswamy​​________ Researchers have developed a fast and inexpensive way to make facial prostheses for eye cancer patients using facial scanning software and 3-D printing, according to findings released at AAO 2014, the 118th annual meeting of the American Academy of…

Unapproved use of intranasal splint as dermal filler linked to adverse events

Unapproved use of intranasal splint as dermal filler linked to adverse events ________Dr. Mohan Rangaswamy​​________ The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced that some health care providers have used an intranasal splint from Enhancement Medical as a dermal filler — an indication for which the product has not been FDA-approved. Use of the intranasal splint,…

GRASS regimen improves overall appearance of hyperpigmentation, photodamaged skin

GRASS regimen improves overall appearance of hyperpigmentation, photodamaged skin ________Dr. Mohan Rangaswamy​​________ A five-product topical regimen may provide patients with facial photodamage and hyperpigmentation with an effective, comprehensive treatment, according to study results presented at the American Academy of Dermatology Summer Meeting. In a single-center, 24-week study, researchers assessed the efficacy and tolerance of a…

Plastic Surgery in children part 2

Plastic Surgery in children Part 2 ________Dr. Mohan Rangaswamy​​________ Follow Us On: Facebook Instagram Birth defects are merely errors in the complex process of an embryo becoming a baby. Some of them may have devastating consequence while some are mere variations. Plastic surgeons are using their skills everyday all over the world in performing life…

Plastic Surgery in children part 1

Plastic Surgery in children Part 1 ________Dr. Mohan Rangaswamy​​________ Follow Us On: Facebook Instagram Most people would be surprised to hear about plastic surgery for children but in fact pediatric plastic surgery forms a very important part of our work. This mainly refers to correction of birth defects and treatment of injuries or burns. Other…

The Q & A Of Body Contour Surgery

The Q & A Of Body Contour Surgery ________Dr. Mohan Rangaswamy​​________ Follow Us On: Facebook Instagram Next to facial beauty it is a “body beautiful” that is on everyone’s wish-list. While a few are naturally blessed, for many the changes, brought about by genetics, age, pregnancies, and sedentary living, refuse to respond to diet and…

Wound Care

Wound Care ________Dr. Mohan Rangaswamy​​________ Follow Us On: Facebook Instagram What types of wounds are amenable to plastic and reconstructive surgery?       Basically any wound that is potentially problematic should be seen and treated by a plastic surgeon. Some examples: burns especially in children, elderly or hand and face burns, high velocity/high impact…