General Instructions
________Dr. Mohan Rangaswamy________

Now that you are considering cosmetic/plastic surgery, please take a moment to read and understand the following important points. Our aim is to make plastic surgery as safe as possible for you.
- Medication and Lifestyle issues
- Smoking: Smoking and plastic surgery do not mix ! You must stop smoking two weeks prior to your operation as smoking interferes with the healing process and increases complications, especially skin necrosis.
- No alcohol should be taken 3 days prior to surgery.
- Increase your Vitamin C intake to 500 mg – 1 gm per day.
- You must stop taking Vitamin E, fish-oil supplements, herbal medicines and heavy doses of garlic 2 weeks before your surgery as it can cause extra bleeding, however you may continue taking other vitamins.
- You should not take any painkillers other than Panadol/Paracetamol/Tylenol two weeks prior to surgery, as again they may cause bleeding.
- STOP Aspirin 1 week before surgery. If Aspirin [Ecospirin, baby aspirin] has been prescribed by a doctor for you, please inform your plastic surgeon so that he can discuss this with your physician. Aspirin increases bleeding in surgery.
- You should stop taking oral contraceptive pill/hormone replacement pills for one complete cycle i.e. at least one month before your surgery. They increase risk of deep vein thrombosis [DVT]. Alternative barrier contraception should be used.
- Please notify your doctor if you are likely to be pregnant, since this obviously can have implications for the surgery and the baby.
- Dr. Mohan should be informed of any change in your medical condition or medications prescribed by a physician or by self-administered between the last consultation and the actual surgery.
2.Preparing for surgery
- Prepare your home and bed so that you have fresh hygienic sheets and linen-savers [can get from hospital] as there may be some soakage of body fluids. You should keep pets away as they may contribute infection. Be sure to limit visitors who may unwittingly bring communicable infections [such as common cold]. It helps to think of all the things you may need and keep them within easy reach so that you do not have to stretch yourself after surgery.
- You will need someone to collect you from the clinic/hospital and stay with you overnight. However, if this is difficult for you then you will be advised to stay overnight in the hospital at an extra cost.
- Remove all nail varnish before your procedure. Patients who are having procedures in the facial area should remove all make-up and lipstick, mascara, face powder, before coming to the clinic. Keep jewellery and valuables home. Bring your personal items like wide tooth comb [fresh/clean], toothbrush and loose fitting gown change to change into before leaving the hospital.
- Take a bath and wash and tie the hair before coming for admission as it may be difficult for a couple of days after. If pre-operative markings have been made, please re-inforce them with a permanent marker pen [not white-board marker].
3.Admission and Surgery
- You need to make an appointment with the anaesthetist at least two days before surgery to get yourself checked for fitness and do basic blood tests.
- It is not possible to meet the surgeon on the day of surgery as he may be busy with other patients. So please clarify all issues during your last pre-op visit.
- On the admission day, come directly to the Inpatient reception at least 3 hours before the expected time of surgery.
- Your appointed time for surgery may be changed un-expectedly due to delays in the operation theatre or other unforeseen circumstances. Please try to understand that this is in the nature of surgical work and so try to keep the entire day free and not have tight appointments.
- Understand the post-operative medications and take them as advised even if there is no pain. The same medicines also help to reduce swelling and inflammation and they are not mere “pain-killers”.
To confirm your appointment for surgery, a deposit must be paid at time of booking. Appointment will automatically be canceled if deposit is not paid 1 week in advance. Deposit is non-refundable if patient cancels within one week of confirmed date of surgery.