Arm lift & Liposuction
__________Dr. Mohan Rangaswamy_________

Achieve Toned Arms with Arm Lift and Liposuction in Dubai
Big arms, Floppy arms or in extreme cases bat wing like flappy skin on the arms is not uncommon. Women who have lost weight have a high chance of developing these. Some men who lose massive amounts of weight may also get this. This problem is correctable.
Classically, arm lift or Brachioplasty was advocated. But experience has taught that the long scars resulting from the classic procedure can be a problem and a source of regret particularly in darker skin individuals. Fortunately, with modern liposculpture, this bigger procedure is only needed in the more extreme cases. Arm lifts, also known as brachioplasty, help remove the excess skin and improve arm appearance. Liposculpture has become a popular, less invasive alternative for those with mild to moderate skin laxity. Liposculpture focuses on removing fat and contouring the arms, which leads to a firmer look without extensive scars. For severe cases of loose skin, traditional arm lift surgery may still be recommended.
Classic operation: Here the excess skin is removed as an ellipse and the skin is closed. Good contour correction can be given but at the cost of a long scar on the inner side or the back of arm.
Liposculpture: Comprehensive liposculpture with attention to superficial fat allows for good skin retraction. Limited skin removal from the under arm area or circumferential skin removal and a cylindrical lift can give good results while avoiding the long scars. It is easy to have a tattoo around the upper arm to hide the circular scar if so desired!
Energy based Devices: Energy devices like Laser liposuction, Renuvion J plasma [Helium plasma] are available to achieve further skin tightening.
High definition liposculpture: This is not really for floppy arms but for improving a normal arm to give a highly defined look. Men and women who want an athletic physique and who put in the required effort can get the best result with HD liposuction.
Consulting with a board-certified plasti surgeon is crucial for choosing the best approach, whether opting for liposculpture or brachioplasty, to achieve optimal results and minimize visible scarring.