Correction of Abnormal Looking Breasts
________Dr. Mohan Rangaswamy________

Correction of Abnormal Looking Breasts Services in Dubai | UAE
There are rare conditions where the breasts are either not developed at all [Poland’s Syndrome] or are very abnormal in shape or proportion. We see some women with big differences between the right and left sides, tubular shaped breasts or small droopy nodules (called ‘snoopy’ breasts after the cartoon character). Many of such women have lived with these anomalies not knowing that correction exists.
Tubular breasts:
In this condition, the breast base is narrow and the organ is more tube shaped. Such breasts lack width and fullness, they also droop early. Treatment aims to broaden the base, introduce more dome shaped volume by an implant and centralize the nipple complex to a natural location.
Tuberous (Snoopy) breasts:
A more advanced version of the tubular where the breast mound has entered into the areola complex and seems to be hanging from a narrow stalk like a tuber. Treatment aims at returning the breast tissue mass back to the chest wall, opening it up from the back as in opening the petals of a closed flower bud and in correcting the droop; an implant may also be needed. Correction may require more than one stage.
Asymmetrical Breasts:
Minor asymmetry is very common and does not need treatment. When it is a gross discrepancy, the smaller breast is enlarged by an implant or fat grafting or both while the larger one is reduced. It is gratifying to see the great emotional boost that such a simple procedure can offer to the sufferer.
Congenital absence of breast:
In a condition called Poland syndrome one breast and associated chest muscle are missing. Such cases need careful planning, depending on individual problems. A good solution can often be found combining reconstructive [muscle flaps] and aesthetic [implant/fat graft] techniques.
Accessory Breasts:
It is often a source of amusement when we tell a woman with a bulge in her axilla that she has an extra breast or two. But the truth is that human beings are capable of having a breast growth anywhere from the under-arm to the groin in what is called the ‘milk-line’. As a developmental anomaly a man or a woman may have extra breast tissue or nipple or both anywhere along this line. It usually grows with pregnancy and that is when it comes to notice. Treatment is simple and they can be removed with hardly any scar. Left alone, such abnormally placed breast tissues are subject to the same or higher risk of malignancy as a normal breast.
Note: Appropriate Before and After pictures can be viewed during consultation.