With ageing and sustained pull of gravity, the forehead and eyebrow or the eyebrows alone may drop down. this is a classical change of ageing. The distance between the eyebrow and the upper eyelid lash line decreases and heavy folds form on the upper eyelid. This provokes the person to sub-consciously raise the eyebrows by constantly using the forehead muscles – the result is horizontal wrinkles on the forehead.
Eyebrow-Forehead lift Surgery in Dubai
________Dr. Mohan Rangaswamy________

Endoscopic Brow Lift: is suitable for brow descent of moderate degree in patients without a high forehead. In persons with high forehead, it is not possible to place the cuts behind the hairline. After the surgery, the brow goes up by a useful degree and the eye-zone appears more open. One can expect bruising for 5 days and swelling for about 2 weeks. It is a useful nifty addition to facial rejuvenation and is available in Dr. Mohan’s practice.
Forehead Brow Lift: A surgery called forehead-brow lift is intended to correct this. This operation was classically performed through a long cut on the scalp which allowed the surgeon to separate the forehead skin off the skull bone and re-drape it upwards. The excess skin was trimmed off. Although very effective, this operation was drastic. In modern times, thanks to the advent of endoscopic surgery, much the same procedure can be accomplished only through 3-5 small cuts on the scalp hidden behind the hairline. The downtime with this new operation is much less and side effects minimal.

Gliding Brow Lift (GBL) In Dubai
As Cosmetic Surgery continues to evolve, Dr Mohan One of the Best plastic surgeon in Dubai now offers the following relatively new procedures for the benefit of his patients.
Gliding Brow lift: this is a mini invasive procedure where the entire forehead and upper face can be lifted via just two small hidden cuts inside the hairline. Suitable for early to moderately advanced sagging of these areas.
Ponytail lift: Here small incisions are made in the hairline and behind the ear in well hidden locations to achieve a lift of the entire face. It is suitable for early facial ageing and avoids visible scars
Gliding neck lift: again done via small cuts under the chin and under the earlobe, this helps to contour the neck and tighten it.
Lip lift: In this procedure, the upper lips are lifted and the cuts are just under the nose. This corrects the ‘long lip’ of older age and gives a more youthful lipo contour. Can be done under local anesthetic
Buccal Fat pad removal: In an outpatient procedure the fat in the mid cheek is removed from inside the mouth so there are no visible marks. Very effective in sculpting a round face into more defined contours. It may be combined with face and neck liposculpture.
Simple Reshaping of Eyebrows: This is much requested by young women who desire a higher arch to the outer part of their eyebrows. We can use Botox for gentle lifts without surgery or can do Temporal Brow lift for a more dramatic effect. The latter is a surgery done form inside the hairline of the temple region. Thread lifts can also be used to lift he brow alone if the forehead is okay [as in young person]. Finally fat graft to the orbit area can give that ultimate enhancement to the upper eyelid zone.
Scars on eyebrows and old injuries may leave bald scars on the eyebrows or leave a brow miss-match. These are correctable by plastic surgery.